Freshwater ecosystems – rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands – cover less than 1% of Earth’s surface, yet they host extremely high biodiversity – almost 6% of all known species in the world.
One remarkable feature of waters is that they connect into an aquatic network – from springs and mountain streams over creeks, rivers, lakes and groundwaters to wetlands, estuaries, seas and oceans. Along the way, environmental, hydrological and landscape gradients shape diverse biological communities characteristic for each part.
Snowy White / Snežno bela
Lazy Flow
Running Low / Spust
Steaming Fury /Puši se od besa
Meandering Around
Mystic River / Tajanstvena reka
Clear Green
Pool Carving
Cheerful Streaming
Waiting for the Night
Water Snake
Frozen Fields
Creeping In
Melting Snow
Canyon Walk
High Loads
Aqua Slide
Snowy White / Snežno bela
🇬🇧 Aare Gorge. Switzerland
Glacial melt and erosion of rocks beneath them often bring a lot of tiny particles which turn water into „glacial milk“, making it look white, like here in the Aare River in Switzerland. This 50 m high gorge was carved in limestone by meltwater 10 thousand years ago, as the last Ice Age was coming to an end. The gorge has been open for visitors since 1888.
🇷🇸 Snežno bela.
Kanjon reke Aare, Švajcarska
Otapanje lednika i erozija stena ispod njih često stvaraju sićušne čestice koje boje vodu u belo, pretvarajući je u tzv. „ledničko mleko“, kao ovde u reci Ari u Švajcarskoj. Kanjon, visok 50 metara, usekla je u krečnjačkoj steni voda nastala otapanjem lednika pre 10 hiljada godina, na kraju poslednjeg ledenog doba. Kanjon je otvoren za posete 1888. godine. -
Lazy Flow
Drino River. Albania
This photo was taken with Samsung Galaxy S3 phone camera. -
Running Low / Spust
🇬🇧 Savica Waterfall. Slovenia
Waterfall Savica in northwest Slovenia belongs to headwaters of the Sava River. With its 990 km, Sava is one of the longest rivers in Europe. There are 18 hydropower plants in its basin - and ongoing hydropower boom is predicted to add 2.500 more to the region. With little added benefit, this would be detrimental for nature, biodiversity and local communities, many of which are persistently fighting to protect their rivers.
🇷🇸 Spust.
Vodopad Savica, Slovenija.
Savica vodopad u severozapadnoj Sloveniji deo je gornjeg toka reke Save. Duga 990 km, Sava je jedna od najdužih reka Evrope. U njenom slivu već se nalazi 18 hidroelektrana, a predviđeno je da će hidroenergetski “bum” koji je započeo u regionu tome dodati još preko 2.500 novih. Ovo bi donelo malo koristi, ali neprocenjivu štetu prirodi, biodiverzitetu i lokalnim zajenicama, od kojih mnoge vode vode upornu borbu kako bi sačuvale svoje reke. -
Steaming Fury /Puši se od besa
🇬🇧 Iguazú National Park. Argentina
Nearly 300 waterfalls on the Iguazu River, on the border of Argentina and Brazil, make up one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Both sides offer different angles to stunning cascades – this capture is from the highest of 4 trails on the Argentinian side of the National Park.
🇷🇸 Puši se od besa.
Nacionalni park Iguacu. Argentina.
Skoro 300 vodopada na reci Iguacu, na granici Argentine i Brazila, čini jedne od najvećih vodopada na svetu. Spektakularan pogled pruža se sa obe strane, jer se kaskade mogu videti iz različitih uglova – ovo je pogled sa gornje od 4 platforme na argentinskoj strani Nacionalnog parka. -
Meandering Around
Uvac River. Serbia -
Mystic River / Tajanstvena reka
Above Vojvodina, Serbia.
Mystic river meanders lazily through flatland of Vojvodina, not far from Serbian capital Belgrade, carrying within secrets, dreams, wishes, desires and random thoughts of all those who gave her a gaze for longer than 5 seconds along her route.
🇷🇸 Tajanstvena reka.
Nad Vojvodinom, Srbija.
Tajanstvena reka lenjo vijuga kroz ravnicu Vojvodine, nedaleko od Beograda, noseći sa sobom tajne, snove, želje, čežnje i nasumične misli svih onih koji su joj, duž puta, poklonili pogled duži od 5 sekindi. -
Clear Green
Schwarzwald. Baden-Würtemberg, Germany -
Confluence of Danube and Sava Rivers. Belgrade, Serbia -
Pool Carving
Sapadere Canyon. Alanya, Turkey -
Cheerful Streaming
Trentino Province, Italy -
Waiting for the Night
Westhavelland. Brendenburg, Germany -
Water Snake
Sapadere Canyon. Alanya, Turkey -
Frozen Fields
Sava River. Above Belgrade, Serbia -
Creeping In
Tara River. Montenegro -
Melting Snow
Uri Alps. Switzerland -
Canyon Walk
Sapadere Canyon. Alanya, Turkey -
High Loads
Brandenburg, Germany. -
Aqua Slide
Schwarzwald. Baden-Würtemberg, Germany